Sunday, September 28, 2008


Hi to all the people who own computers!Today I am writing about who-knows-what so let me think about it.GOT IT! I'll write about Hidden Lake Farm. Hidden Lake is the Barn where I ride horses. Right now and ever since I started riding at Hidden Lake I have been riding CherryBomb(A.K.A. Cherry butt.) People at hidden lake don't get to ride him as often as I do so they call him Cherry Butt because, well, they think he's mean and acts like he's king of the world and bosses you around and yanks on the reins 'til the next genuration is over. But they're wrong he's perfectly good for me and there is proof! Look at all these blue ribbons we've won. I've won about 4 or 5 reserve champions on him and 2 Grands! So if thats not proof he's a good boy I don't know what is. Hidden Lake is what me and my mom call Heaven On Earth or H.O.E.(pronounced HA-E) It has 5 star food.Do you want to know what is so 5 star about it? Glad ya do, because I was going to tell you anyway. what makes it so 5 star is that it is made over an open camp fire.And their brownies and stuff I'm pretty sure is all home made. Some people say they just come for the food which I can totally understand. but Hidden Lake itself is beautiful with all the well'ly groomed horses, the wide open fields, the forests and the sparkling lake. So if you ever come to visit becareful how much time you plan to stay because once I show you Hidden Lake Farms it'll be hard to get not only me but you away from this Heaven On Earth.